Campfire Session


Jan 22, 2025

Campfire Session — School Admins: Teacher Use in Asia & Oceania

Follow-up panel discussion about best practices for successfully rolling out Flint's AI activities to faculty.

Lulu Gao headshot

Lulu Gao, Head of Teacher Experience at Flint | LinkedIn

Video Summary

With a panel of school administrators from across Asia, this discussion is a follow-up on a session we had weeks prior with admin from the Americas. This session covered:

  1. Introducing Flint to faculty

  2. Addressing the concerned, uninterested, and excited among them

  3. Maintaining teacher engagement and use of Flint

Slides from the presentation can be found here.

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Welcome and agenda • 00:00

Panelist introductions • 01:10

How did you roll Flint out to your school? What did the initial introduction look like? • 01:56

  • Chris shares the rollout experience of Flint at the International School of Kuala Lumpur. Initial communication was minimal. The rollout of the platform was slow. Individual sessions with teachers led to improved adoption.

  • Resources were created to help teachers understand the platform. Dalton agrees that one-on-one sessions proved effective in increasing engagement.

  • Cora says teachers expressed a strong interest in using AI for their classes. Follow-up sessions were scheduled to assist teachers in implementing the platform.

  • Kevin and Warren both mention incremental adoption of AI tools, not a forced, mass adoption. Workshops are held to demonstrate the effective use of Flint.

  • Tim discusses how teachers lead the adoption of Flint for transformative learning. Successful examples from various departments are shared.

  • Greg discusses how the productive use of AI was a focus for their school, so they set two goals of preserving learning and maintaining academic integrity.

  • The need for both transformation and problem-solving in AI tools is emphasized by Sohan. The platform is evolving to better meet teachers' needs.

Within a school, teachers can have varying initial sentiments about using AI. How did you go about addressing the concerned, uninterested, and excited? • 22:00

  • Strategies for engaging uninterested teachers were shared. Successes in demonstrating AI's relevance to language teachers were highlighted for CISHK, a bilingual school.

  • A focus on subject-based professional development is emphasized. Teachers are noted to disengage if topics are too broad.

  • Student testimonials are highlighted as crucial for teacher buy-in. A specific example of a student's improvement using Flint is shared.

  • Support for teachers is identified as essential for successful implementation. The importance of teaching both teachers and students how to use Flint is discussed.

  • Lunch bites for teachers were conducted. Proactive teachers quickly adopted the new platform.

  • One-on-one sessions were held to build teacher confidence. Teachers reported feeling capable after these sessions.

  • Independent use among students was encouraged.

  • The importance of teacher buy-in was discussed. Feedback mechanisms for both teachers and students were highlighted as essential for improvement.

  • A distinction between AI tools and Flint's platform is discussed. Concerns about cognitive offloading and teacher ownership of learning are raised.

  • The need for teachers to understand AI feedback is highlighted. Transformations in learning through AI tools are considered beneficial.

How are teams managing and handling self-harm messages sent by students within Flint? • 45:21

  • A question about self-harm features is raised. Helpful experiences with email notifications are shared.

What have admins done to maintain teacher engagement and use of the platform? • 47:43

  • The importance of purposeful technology use is emphasized.

  • The value of educational tools is highlighted. The need for alignment with educational standards is stressed.

Have any schools started to gather data to validate or invalidate the impact of AI use on student outcomes? • 53:47

  • Outcomes related to Flint's impact on student performance are highlighted. A specific example of a student improving from a three to a four from earlier is pointed out.

  • The need for rigorous evaluation of Flint's effectiveness is proposed. Collaboration on multilingual learner impacts is suggested as a next step.

    Improvements in language-speaking skills are reported. Data collection on AI impact is discussed.

  • Engagement is identified as a key factor in learning. Various data points for measuring impact are suggested.

Use case of using Flint for student reflection • 56:07

  • Interest in using Flint for student reflection is mentioned.

  • Reflection fatigue among students is acknowledged. Strategies for enhancing the reflective process are proposed.

Conclusion and additional resources • 58:25

  • Resources for professional development are offered to participants.

  • Upcoming Campfire Sessions and their content are discussed.

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Spark AI-powered learning at your school.

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Spark AI-powered learning at your school.

Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.

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