Computer Science
9th, 10th, 11th
Interactive Java while loop debugging
Give students practice in identifying and fixing buggy Java code that is provided by an AI.

Teaching goals
Debugging is an invaluable skill that should be learned hand-in-hand with new programming concepts, but can be a challenging area for teachers to provide practice to students in.
With Flint, teachers can give provide infinite debugging practice that scales to match the level of each student, all with minimal setup.
In the example below, the teacher has provided a simple learning objective related to debugging as well as while loops, which is the topic that students recently learned in class.
Learning objective:
Students should be able to debug while loops in Java. They should identify bugs but also be able to correct them by writing the code themselves.
No materials provided (learn more here)
Extra customization
Flint automatically generated the underlying prompts necessary for the AI tutor to function. Additionally, the default helpfulness level of “medium” ensures that the AI won’t give away the answer to students.

To make this AI tutor more readily available to students, the teacher can pin it in the tutor list in their class page. This brings the AI tutor to the top of the list and makes it easily accessible 24/7 within the “Intro to Java section A” class page.

Student experience
Throughout the session with the AI tutor, students are presented with buggy while loops in Java, and are asked to identify the bugs.

Once the student has correctly identified the bug, they can copy the code provided by the AI, open Flint’s built-in code editor, paste in the Java code, and then make edits to the code directly within Flint.

Then, the AI will respond to the code provided to the student. If the student has corrected the bug, the AI will move on to more practice problems. If the student hasn’t fixed the code, the AI will pick up on that and will ask a follow up question.

Extra customization
Flint automatically generated the underlying prompts necessary for the AI tutor to function. Additionally, the default helpfulness level of “medium” ensures that the AI won’t give away the answer to students.

To make this AI tutor more readily available to students, the teacher can pin it in the tutor list in their class page. This brings the AI tutor to the top of the list and makes it easily accessible 24/7 within the “Intro to Java section A” class page.

Computer Science
9th, 10th, 11th
Interactive Java while loop debugging

Teaching goals
Debugging is an invaluable skill that should be learned hand-in-hand with new programming concepts, but can be a challenging area for teachers to provide practice to students in.
With Flint, teachers can give provide infinite debugging practice that scales to match the level of each student, all with minimal setup.
In the example below, the teacher has provided a simple learning objective related to debugging as well as while loops, which is the topic that students recently learned in class.
Learning objective:
Students should be able to debug while loops in Java. They should identify bugs but also be able to correct them by writing the code themselves.
Extra customization
Flint automatically generated the underlying prompts necessary for the AI tutor to function. Additionally, the default helpfulness level of “medium” ensures that the AI won’t give away the answer to students.

To make this AI tutor more readily available to students, the teacher can pin it in the tutor list in their class page. This brings the AI tutor to the top of the list and makes it easily accessible 24/7 within the “Intro to Java section A” class page.

Student experience
Throughout the session with the AI tutor, students are presented with buggy while loops in Java, and are asked to identify the bugs.

Once the student has correctly identified the bug, they can copy the code provided by the AI, open Flint’s built-in code editor, paste in the Java code, and then make edits to the code directly within Flint.

Then, the AI will respond to the code provided to the student. If the student has corrected the bug, the AI will move on to more practice problems. If the student hasn’t fixed the code, the AI will pick up on that and will ask a follow up question.

Other Computer Science teacher testimonials:
My high-achieving students are exploring deeper topics via the ability to question and explore areas of interest. I've seen some students spend an hour questioning the standard tutor for ideas. My lower-achieving students are getting basic questions answered without embarrassment or frustration. They move more quickly through the content and stumbling blocks are removed as soon as they arise.

Spencer Wagner
AP Computer Science teacher at Regis Jesuit
"I can't emphasize enough how Flint has revolutionized my teaching. Flint has been an invaluable tool for introducing new concepts and assessing student understanding. My students have embraced Flint wholeheartedly. My high flyers love how they can deep-dive into course content with an AI expert. Other students who need more attention can get a one-on-one tutor to help with their specific needs."

Matthew Davis
Computer science teacher at Episcopal
"Even as the initial novelty of Flint wore off, engagement has stayed exceptionally high. With any other activity, some top students want to move to more complex material, and others need more time on basics. As a teacher, you are stuck trying to find a middle ground. In Flint's activities, I can rotate as a facilitator and Flint automatically scales the assignments to each student's skill level."

Jake Kazlow
Computer science teacher at Westminster
My high-achieving students are exploring deeper topics via the ability to question and explore areas of interest. I've seen some students spend an hour questioning the standard tutor for ideas. My lower-achieving students are getting basic questions answered without embarrassment or frustration. They move more quickly through the content and stumbling blocks are removed as soon as they arise.

Spencer Wagner
AP Computer Science teacher at Regis Jesuit
"I can't emphasize enough how Flint has revolutionized my teaching. Flint has been an invaluable tool for introducing new concepts and assessing student understanding. My students have embraced Flint wholeheartedly. My high flyers love how they can deep-dive into course content with an AI expert. Other students who need more attention can get a one-on-one tutor to help with their specific needs."

Matthew Davis
Computer science teacher at Episcopal
Other use cases
See all use cases ->
Social Studies
4th, 5th, 6th

AI Oregon Trail game
Let students play a text and image version of the Oregon Trail card game, where the AI will generate events based on the official rules.
Computer Science
9th, 10th, 11th

O(n) review session with real life examples
Have AI conduct a review session with students by providing practical engineering problems where the O(n) time complexity has to be determined.
English Language Arts
9th, 10th

Therapy session with AI Winston from 1984
Let students talk to AI Winston about living under a totalitarian regime and his views on freedom and individuality.
Social Studies
4th, 5th, 6th

AI Oregon Trail game
Let students play a text and image version of the Oregon Trail card game, where the AI will generate events based on the official rules.
Computer Science
9th, 10th, 11th

O(n) review session with real life examples
Have AI conduct a review session with students by providing practical engineering problems where the O(n) time complexity has to be determined.
See all use cases ->
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Spark AI-powered learning at your school.
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Spark AI-powered learning at your school.
Sign up to start using Flint, free for up to 80 users.
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